Corporate Positioning

Building Better Futures

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A company’s reputation is key to its success. At BlytheRay, we work with our clients to understand and define their organisation’s key characteristics and ensure these are effectively communicated.

Our objective is to enhance reputations by building a unique and compelling narrative. There’s no one route to achieving this: it’s a dynamic process wherein our team, using a wealth of experience and an in-depth knowledge of the markets in which we operate, works with our clients to shape a brand identity that will stand out for the right reasons.  

Driven by People, Fuelled by Insights

Raspberry Pi Listing and The Resurgence of The London Stock Exchange

BlytheRay explores the significance of Raspberry Pi’s London listing and its wider impact on UK capital markets.
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Cornish Metals – Opening of Water Treatment Plant at South Crofty

Cornish Metals celebrated the opening of its £7 million Water Treatment Plant at the South Crofty Tin Project, Cornwall. BlytheRay worked alongside Cornish Metals to formulate and manage a comprehensive media strategy for the event.
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Juju, Jars, and Witchdoctors: The Phenomenon of Spiritual Doping in West Africa

BlytheRay takes a look at the intersection between witchcraft and football in West Africa.
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